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Tips for a successful practice

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

Create a routine for your social practice like you would for a meditation or breathing exercise:

⏳ Carve out 5-10 minutes just for you.

🎧 Find a quiet place or use headphones to block out the noise.

📝 When creating your custom visualization, answer each question with as much detail as possible.

👓 Read through your visualization slowly to help you imagine using the recommended approach in your situation

🧠 As you go through your visualization, pay attention to any emotions that are coming up. If you feel anxious, can you sit with that anxiety? You can remind yourself that by experiencing these emotions now you'll be better prepared if these emotions come up in real life, since you’ve already been through them!

🔄 Read through the visualization as many times as you need to feel better prepared. You can either use the same exact script or make refinements to see how your situation might unfold in other ways.

Remember, you've already taken a big step by getting started with Loop. We hope you find that practicing with our custom visualizations is helpful, but can also be fun! 🙂


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